A Look into Rental Applications

Submitting a rental application is more than just a formality, it’s a reflection of an individual’s reliability and responsibility. Agents and owners scrutinize various aspects to ensure that the chosen tenants will maintain the property, fulfill their financial commitments, and contribute positively to the community. As a prospective tenant, being prepared and presenting a well-organized and honest application will significantly increase your chances of securing the rental you desire.


Here are some things to be mindful of when applying for a property:


  1. Creditworthiness and Financial Stability:

Agents and owners look for evidence of financial stability through credit checks and income verification. A strong credit history and consistent income indicate a tenant’s ability to meet rental obligations. As proof of affordability including such things as payslips and or bank statements in your application is important.


  1. Rental History and References:

Previous rental history and references from former landlords can provide valuable insights into a tenant’s behavior, payment history, and overall suitability as a tenant. We always encourage you call these references to advise them we will be in contact as this can hold up the process awaiting reply.


  1. Employment and Income Verification:

Proof of stable employment and a sufficient income is crucial for ensuring the tenant can afford the rent. Agents and owners often look for steady employment and a monthly/weekly or fortnightly income that can cover the rent and expenses without strain.


  1. Criminal Background Check:

A clean criminal record reassures agents and owners about the safety and security of the property and its neighbors. Serious criminal offenses can raise concerns and potentially impact the application.


  1. Consistency and Accuracy in Application:

An application that is complete, accurate, and consistent demonstrates attention to detail and a genuine interest in the property. Missing or incorrect information may raise red flags.


  1. Communication Skills:

How applicants communicate during the application process, be it through emails, phone calls, or in-person interactions, can leave a lasting impression. Clear and respectful communication is valued.


  1. Pets and Additional Tenants:

Any information regarding pets or additional occupants is important for determining if the property can accommodate them. Owners and agents want to ensure compliance with leasing agreements and community rules.


  1. Length of Stay and Lease Term Preferences:

Understanding the tenant’s desired lease term and plans for the length of stay can help agents and owners find a good fit for their property and leasing preferences.


  1. Financial Responsibilities:

Agents and owners assess if the applicant has a history of paying bills and loans on time. Timely payment of debts indicates responsible financial behavior.


We at Think Pink often see applications with missing information typically applicants mentioned but not apart of the application. With the volume of applications in the current market we will often not have the time to chase the extra information when there are several other applications with all the required documentation and applicants included.

With the market being so competitive we hope those applying with us and others agencies can use this insight and when applying for rental properties.



Applications Helpful Information Property Management Real Estate Real Estate Tips Rental
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A Look into Rental Applications